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Good health starts in the gut.
The saying ‘we are what we eat’ is not 100% correct – as we are what we absorb and don’t excrete!
We need our gut to break down our food and then successfully absorb the nutrients to sustain all our metabolic processes and give us the fuel to function. We also need healthy bowel movements to ensure efficient hormone and metabolite excretion.  
Infections, an imbalanced gut microbiota (gut bacteria), medications and poor nutritional choices all compromise gastrointestinal health.  A myriad of symptoms, and even chronic illnesses might result. Food allergies and sensitivities, anxiety, poor immunity, bloating, constipation, hives, skin conditions, IBS and IBD are just a few conditions that can manifest. We favour  a structured approach which allows the body to adapt and find its natural balance gradually. We strive to create an environment in which the gut and its microbiota can flourish so that you can obtain the full benefit of the nutrients you need. 


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GiCa Nutrition Ltd is a limited company registered in Scotland SC719788.

Copyright © 2024 by GiCa Nutrition

All content within this site is provided for general information only and should not be regarded as a substitute for professional medical advice of your GP or other health care practitioner. GiCa Nutrition Limited is not liable for the consequences of any users’ self-diagnosis or adoption of a health regime that is based on this website’s contents.

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