Unveiling the hidden obstacles: rising food prices and delayed junk food bans—impeding blood sugar control

Globally, the rapid growth of diabetes poses a challenge to health systems worldwide, as it increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
According to The Lancet, over half a billion people currently have diabetes, and it is expected to double by 2050(a).
Type 2 diabetes accounts for 96% of all global diabetes cases and the primary risk factor for developing this type of diabetes is a high body mass index (e.i. being overweight and obese). Additionally, lifestyle factors such as insufficient physical activity, tobacco use, and alcohol consumption are also identified as contributing risk factors.
Preventing and controlling diabetes is complex, due to various factors including genetics and socioeconomic barriers. Sadly, the situation is compounded by both rising food prices and the postponed introduction of restrictions on advertising and multi-buy offers on unhealthy food.
These factors make it increasingly challenging for people to access and purchase healthier food options, further exacerbating the problem at hand.
Moreover, weight-loss drugs, despite their popularity and being often touted as the panacea for all weight-related problems, have faced criticism for their lack of long-term solutions.
It is essential to promote the understanding that proper nutrition does not have to be expensive and can be a sustainable solution to address multiple health challenges. Indeed, proper nutrition is widely recognized as a key long-term strategy to prevent type 2 diabetes and improve body weight.
(a) www.thelancet.com. 'Diabetes: a defining disease of the 21st century', June 24, 2023. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(23)01296-5